Why Choose Us?
Discover the advantages of partnering with us, from our experienced team to our commitment to efficiency and compliance.
We understand that every case is unique, hence we offer expert guidance and personalised solutions. Transparency is a key factor to any successful partnership. We will keep our clients informed of all progress and development with a clear report of every case in hand.

We are familiar with all types of business set-ups in Malaysia and the unique requirements each one encounters when applying for employment passes.
Our Values

We will uphold our high standards of reliability in our interaction with people and approach to business at all times.

We will conduct our business with the utmost ethical standards and in harmony with our code of ethics.

We will endeavor to be reasonable, honest, courteous and professional in all our dealings with our clients and support them all the way.

Our people are our strength and we are faithful to their fair and effective selection, development, motivation and recognition in a supportive environment in order to achieve excellence in work and customer satisfaction.

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Contact Info

03-7725 9988
No. 45B 2nd Floor Jalan Wan Kadir 2, Taman Tun Dr Ismail, 60000 Kuala Lumpur
© 2024 Permit Pro